Friday, April 20, 2007

people should take action to protect our environment

My purpose in writing this definition was to persuade reader that people should take action to protect our environment.

There are plenty of resources on this planet and they can help to make our lives rich. We have green plants, clear streams, blue sky, to use and admire. In the past, we took it for granted that everything was put there for use to use. However, as the years have passed by, we have seen the result of our actions from the poisoning and partial destruction of our natural environment.

Modern life depends on energy. Without energy, our system of transportation couldn't function. By using energy too wastefully and irresponsibly, we have created huge environmental problems. We have also used up too much of many nonrenewable resources, such as oil.

We must take action to prevent our environment from being further destroyed. First we have to learn much more about environmental protection. We must then use those knowledges to protect our environment. If possible, we should take public transport instead of private cars, when we leave the house we should turn off all lights and power. Protecting the environment is really something we all must strive for. Perhaps then we can make a better tomorrow.

Comparison and Contrast Thai food and Japanese food

People always discuss about exotic foods. There are many options to choose. I think that two common exotic foods people choose in Taiwan are Thai food and Japanese food. Both type of foods all delicious. But Thai food and Japanese food are totally different. The purpose of this essay is to contrast the taste.

I'm going to discuss Thai food first. Chili and flavor are important in Thai food. Most of Thai food are spicy and sour. It is usually strongly flavored. Coconut milk is often added in Thai food. And if you like the taste of basil, and I'm sure you will like Thai food. Because they use basil to stir-fry with different kind of meat, the basil helps food become more tasty. Thai food is suitable for people who like strong-taste.

Secondly, I'm going to disucss Japanese food. It has totally different taste from Thai food. Most of Japanese are not greasy and without strong flavor. Japanese attach great importance to health, and greasy and strongly flavored food is considered unhealthy by them. They use specially sauce to cook or to soak with foods. They made the sauce with special and healthy materials. Japanese are renowned for their advocacy of delicate food culture. So every dish they make, even just a bowl of rice, is adorned with some plants. Japanese food is a kind of food suitable for those who care about their health

It doesn't matter what kind of food people decides to choose. What a person choose depends on what he or she likes. Even though both of them taste delicious, I like the Thai food better than Japanese food. It's not that I don't care about health. It is just that strongly flavored food is usually more tasty for me.