Thursday, June 21, 2007

percentage of S.T.U. student's favorite pet

The pie chart sideway shows the percentage of the student at S.T.U. about their favorite pet. The investigate was taken in 2007 May.
To base on the pie chart we can tell there have about 30% students could like the dog be their pet, about 24% for the cat, about 17% for the rabbit, about 11% for the mouse, and about 18% for others like fish, turtle, snake...etc.
Comparing the different piece of pie chart. The dog is the most popular pet of S.T.U. students, second is cat, third is other, fourth is rabbit, and the last one is mouse. We also can see from the pie chart, there have no too big difference between each one of pet. But still the dog and cat are most common pet people could like to have.

Thursday, June 07, 2007

color article

Color is the visual perceptual property corresponding in humans to the categories called red, yellow, white, etc. Color derives from the spectrum of light (distribution of light energy versus wavelength) interacting in the eye with the spectral sensitivities of the light receptors. Color categories and physical specifications of color are also associated with objects, materials, light sources, etc., based on their physical properties such as light absorption, reflection, or emission spectra.

Color is a visual perceptual ability in humans to the classifications called red, yellow, white etc. Color stem from the spectrum of light (classification of light energy against wavelength) interacting in the eye with the spectral sensitivities of the light receptors. Color classifications and physical specifications of color are also related to target, substance, light sources, etc., bottom on their speciality such as light digestion, reaction, or emission spectra.

Color is a visual perceptual ability of humans. Color stem from the spectrum of light interacting in the eye with the spectral sensitivities of the light receptors.

Thursday, May 24, 2007


Color is a kind of vision reaction through our eyes and brain. The theory of the human eye to distinguish colors is based upon the four part. 1. The basic system of color 2. The sense perception of color 3. Tone 4. Color combination.

1. To distinguish basic system upon the 6 differents : light and color, three primary of Light, three primary primary Colors, three Attributes of colors, feminine charm, tints and shades.

2. The sense perception of color : light and dark color, inflation and contract color, soft and hard color, gorgeous and simple color.

3. Tone : same color different tone, different color same tone, similar color and tone, different color and tone.

4. Color combination : base color, assort color, dominate color, accent color.

Friday, April 20, 2007

people should take action to protect our environment

My purpose in writing this definition was to persuade reader that people should take action to protect our environment.

There are plenty of resources on this planet and they can help to make our lives rich. We have green plants, clear streams, blue sky, to use and admire. In the past, we took it for granted that everything was put there for use to use. However, as the years have passed by, we have seen the result of our actions from the poisoning and partial destruction of our natural environment.

Modern life depends on energy. Without energy, our system of transportation couldn't function. By using energy too wastefully and irresponsibly, we have created huge environmental problems. We have also used up too much of many nonrenewable resources, such as oil.

We must take action to prevent our environment from being further destroyed. First we have to learn much more about environmental protection. We must then use those knowledges to protect our environment. If possible, we should take public transport instead of private cars, when we leave the house we should turn off all lights and power. Protecting the environment is really something we all must strive for. Perhaps then we can make a better tomorrow.

Comparison and Contrast Thai food and Japanese food

People always discuss about exotic foods. There are many options to choose. I think that two common exotic foods people choose in Taiwan are Thai food and Japanese food. Both type of foods all delicious. But Thai food and Japanese food are totally different. The purpose of this essay is to contrast the taste.

I'm going to discuss Thai food first. Chili and flavor are important in Thai food. Most of Thai food are spicy and sour. It is usually strongly flavored. Coconut milk is often added in Thai food. And if you like the taste of basil, and I'm sure you will like Thai food. Because they use basil to stir-fry with different kind of meat, the basil helps food become more tasty. Thai food is suitable for people who like strong-taste.

Secondly, I'm going to disucss Japanese food. It has totally different taste from Thai food. Most of Japanese are not greasy and without strong flavor. Japanese attach great importance to health, and greasy and strongly flavored food is considered unhealthy by them. They use specially sauce to cook or to soak with foods. They made the sauce with special and healthy materials. Japanese are renowned for their advocacy of delicate food culture. So every dish they make, even just a bowl of rice, is adorned with some plants. Japanese food is a kind of food suitable for those who care about their health

It doesn't matter what kind of food people decides to choose. What a person choose depends on what he or she likes. Even though both of them taste delicious, I like the Thai food better than Japanese food. It's not that I don't care about health. It is just that strongly flavored food is usually more tasty for me.

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

The harm cause by smoking

As everybody knows, smoking is harmful to your health. It can cause cancer in smorkers as well as in passive smorkers. According to statistics, a large number of people die every year of cancer and other diseases related to smoking. Not only is this a great loss for their family, but society also spends a lot of money to pay for their health care.

Up to now, smoking has been regared as an acceptable pastime. In fact, nicotine is a drug, and smokers become addicted to it. With so much evidence to show how bad smoking is, the next time someone asks: " Do you mind if I smoke?" we should say"Yes, I mind for you, and for me."

how to deal with stress(rewrite last time's homework)

Living in such a fast-paced society, no one can be free from stress. People everywhere suffer from some kind of stress, and I'm no exception. As a night time student, I'm under pressure from the school work, exams also and my day time work.

Whenever I'm under stress, I like to go for a walk and listen to music. Stress can be reduced by a leisurely stroll on the street or a fetching melody. A beautiful piece of music can cheer me up when the pressure and worries are making me feel bad. Music is such a great thing, it really helps me.

Knowing how to deal with stress is essential for living a good life.

Thursday, March 15, 2007

How a storybook is made

All storybooks start with an author's idea. When a story is finished, the author sends it off to a publishing house, then where the editor reads the manuscript.

The publisher has to decide if they want to publish the story. Once everything has been agreed, the author signs a official contract. First they have to checked for mistakes by a proofreader, then they must find a designer inserts the illustrations and all the corrections.

The finished pages are put on a disk and sent off to the printer, who produces page for everyone to check. When any corrections have been made, the book is ready to print. At the printer's the sheets of paper are folded, gathered, bound inside the cover and trimmed to the right size.

Finally the big day arrives!  After long time of hard work, by many different people, the storybook has found its way to the book stores.  

Thursday, January 18, 2007

The advantages of bicycle riding

Bicycle riding has many advantages. Bicycles are as economical as buses, but you don't have to wait for them. They are as convenient as cars, able to go anywhere at any time, and what's more, can easily avoid traffic jams. And their advantage over cars and buses is that they are pollution-free, so they do not harm the environment.

Riding a bicycle is also very good exercise. Nowadays most people don't get enough exercise, especially in the city where many people sit at desks all day. Bicycles can be an important part of a healthy life style.

five sentence-making

Even though she try to make them work both marriages faild.

However he tries, he never seems able to work satisfactorily.

Although he was ill, he worked hard.

The teacher explained everything, but even then she didn't understand.

The work is not so difficult as you imagine.