Thursday, December 14, 2006

Pesaro is a great place to go for a relax vaction

Where is the best place for take a vaction? For me, Pesaro is a great place to go for a relax vaction. It's a port location in middle east of Italy.

Actually it's just a small town. Maybe there have not many things to do and see, but I'd bet that also why you can be completely relax over there. For example, to compred with other part of Italy, there have not too many touristic. Therefor I can forget about bustle of city life for the present. There is a beautiful beach that are perfect for people who like water sport. You also can just lie down on the beach enjoy the sun bath and peaceful moment . Usually I’d like stay there till sunset, it’s one of wonderful view in the world.

After sunset, you can take a little bit walk to the bar or restaurant nearby the beach. There are different type of Italian foods, Pizza, spaghetti, macaroni...and most of food that I don't know the name. They all delicious then you can image, and you also can spend some daytimes leisurable walked on their old street. The traditional European buildings will leading you into the Renaissance age.

Beautiful view, wonderful beach and delicious foods with a cup of beer or wine. Sometimes life should be like this don't you think so?

1 comment:

Yuhsiuwriting said...

Where is the best place for take a vaction?
-->for a vacation?

a relax vaction-->a relaxing vacation

It's a port location in middle east of Italy
-->It is a port located ...

Actually it's just a small town. Maybe there have not many things to do and see, but I'd bet that also why you can be completely relax over there.
-->there are... that you can ...

For example, to compred with other part of Italy, there have not too many touristic.
-->They are several reasons for my confidence, for example, compared with other parts ...there are...tourists.

There is a beautiful beach that are perfect for people who like water sport.
-->that is...

You also can just lie down on the beach enjoy the sun bath and peaceful moment .
-->and enjoy ...the peaceful moment.

Usually I’d like stay there till sunset, it’s one of wonderful view in the world.

After sunset, you can take a little bit walk to the bar or restaurant nearby the beach.
-->a little walk

There are different type of Italian foods, Pizza, spaghetti, macaroni...and most of food that I don't know the name.

They all delicious then you can image, and you also can spend some daytimes leisurable walked on their old street.
-->They are all delicious

--> (more...than you can imagine)
--> take... walks...

The traditional European buildings will leading you into the Renaissance age.
-->will lead you...

Beautiful view, wonderful beach and delicious foods with a cup of beer or wine.

Sometimes life should be like this don't you think so?
-->, don't you think so?